Friday, December 15, 2006

Where Can I Find Information On Early Menopause

Premature Ovarian Failure, Surgical or Medical Menopause
Some women, however, go through menopause in their 40s and some, as early as their 20s and 30s. For most women, the diagnosis of Premature Menopause (also ...
Early Menopause, Early Menopause Symptoms
Early Menopause Guidebook � The North American Menopause Society offers an early menopause guidebook with information about early menopause symptoms, ...
An online support website offering help & advice. Created by women for women who suffer from the Early menopause.
Early Menopause Treatment
Thousands of women from 15 to 44 experience premature early menopause every year and experience the dramatic effect of sudden estrogen crash.
BBC - Health - Ask the doctor - Menopause - premature
Advice for women who think they're going through an early menopause.
Welcome To The Daisy Network
Premature menopause (also called premature ovarian failure and early menopause) is defined as the onset of menopause before the age of 45 and affects one ...
Answers to FAQs and Articles about Perimenopause and early menopause
Answers to your most frequently asked questions FAQs about perimenopause and early menopause.
Menopause: Early Menopause and Early Menopause Symptoms
Explains the difference between early and premature menopause. Also discusses causes for early menopause and what women can do about it.
Managing the Menopause
3 Premature menopause can lead to reduced peak bone mass (if the women is younger than 25 years) or early bone loss thereafter. ...
premature menopause
Women with an early menopause, especially if surgically induced, may need to have a higher dose of oestrogen to control their vasomotor symptoms. ...
Early Menopause - Home
Surprisingly, around one in a hundred women experience the symptoms of early menopause, including young women in their teenage years and early twenties.
MedlinePlus: Premature Ovarian Failure
Overviews; Early Menopause Guidebook (North American Menopause Society) - Links to PDF; Premature Ovarian Failure: Premature Menopause (American Pregnancy ...
Menopause - Frequently asked questions
The reasons for early menopause are little known. It's often said that if you start menstruating early, you'll stop early, but research shows this not to be ...
Early menopause more common among twins - Women's Health -
Twin sisters are more likely than other women to have a premature menopause, scientists said.
Menopause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Very early symptoms that precede menopause, referred to as perimenopause, typically begin in the late 30s. Popular use, however, replaces climacteric with ...
Gene mutation test predicts likelihood of early menopause ...
The doctors found the risk of early menopause depended on a long list of lifestyle ... Previous studies have shown early menopause to be between 30% and 60% ...
Premature menopause side effect of breast cancer treatment ...
This Yale-New Haven HealthLINK (December 2002) focuses on premature menopause caused by adjuvant chemotherapy or hormone therapy in women with breast ...
Women's Health Action Topics - HRT and Menopause
Younger women taking HRT long-term following an early surgical or chemical menopause have been asking how the WHI trial results apply to them. ...
Twin Sisters at High Risk for Early Menopause - Womens Health and ...
Women's Health information covers breast, cancer, heart, pregnancy, sexual health, and mature women related conditions.
Menopause symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment on
The symptoms of the menopause transition can be divided into early and late onset symptoms. Early symptoms include irregular vaginal bleeding, hot flashes, ...
Twins Have More Premature Menopause
Twins may be up to five times more likely to experience premature menopause than other women, according to a new study.
Menopause - Table of Contents
Young women who smoke and have had an early menopause (natural or treatment induced) are particularly vulnerable to these diseases. ...
Menopause information - premature menopause
Premature menopause is menopause that happens before the age of 40.
Early Menopause
Links to information on early, or premature, menopause.
Menopause - premature (early) menopause - Better Health Channel.
Premature or early menopause occurs before the age of 40 years. This may be brought on by medical treatments such as chemotherapy or surgery. | Premature menopause (PMM)
Its causes and treatment of premature menopause are discussed.
Breast cancer and menopausal symptoms : Cancerbackup
Menopause, particularly if it occurs early in life, may cause other effects on the ... These treatments may cause an early menopause or menopausal symptoms. ... The Premature Menopause Book:: When The "change Of ... The Premature Menopause Book:: When The "change Of Life" Comes Too Early: Books: Kathryn Petras by Kathryn Petras. Early Menopause Guidebook: Books: The North American ... Early Menopause Guidebook: Books: The North American Menopause Society by The North American Menopause Society.
About menopause
It typically occurs in �mid-life�, between the late 40s and early 50s. Women who smoke tend to experience menopause around two years earlier than ... :: Higher Likelihood of Premature Menopause in Twins
27 November 2006 - A recent study from Cornell University demonstrates that female twins are three to five times more likely go through menopause early ...
Vanguard - Fashion : Why more men are having early menopause� Prof ...
And the sad thing is that available research shows that it can start as early as 25 years just as menopause in women can start in some as early as 30 years, ...

Natural Ways of Helping with Early Menopause: Vitamins, Herbs and Other Sources

by Laura Thomas

Do you wake up during the night soaking wet because you're sweating so much? Are you so hot that you kick off the blankets and even the sheet? Do you lie there tossing and turning until you finally go back to sleep just as the alarm begins to buzz?

When this scenario started repeating itself in my life, I had just turned forty and was running a cat on a national campaign. My stress level was very high at the time, so I automatically assumed that I was waking up because I had so much on my mind. But one morning when I woke up, I suddenly realized that I had slept all night. Why had I been able to sleep that night but not others? I wondered.

I began to monitor my sleep pattern, and as I did, I noticed that for half the month I would sleep all night, while the other half, I would lie awake tossing and turning. Some nights were much worse than others. Another thing I noticed was that I seemed to become grumpy more easily and that sometimes my tone was harsh.

This pattern continued month after month and coincided with my menstrual cycle. Yet I had always thought menopause was for woman in their fifties-not their forties! I have since learned that many younger women have to deal with the symptoms of early menopause-hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings-as well as with the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease if they happen to be taking hormone replacement therapy (HTR).

Due to the history of breast cancer in my family, I had been told that it wasn't safe for me to take hormones, so I began to seek natural alternatives in the hope of improving my mood and getting a full night's sleep on a regular basis. I tried adding soy, flaxseed, and evening primrose oil to my diet. I also tried to boost my intake of vitamin supplements, but I found myself forgetting them. I think I may have managed to take all of them for three days before my busy mind forgot about them. I tried to exercise, too, but because my schedule was already so full, I wasn't very successful at setting aside an extra thirty minutes three times a week As simple as it sounded, I never really got started.

Since I love to bathe and soak in my Dead Sea salts, I thought, Okay. While I'm soaking in my bath, I'll do some arm and leg lifts, some tummy tucks. And that's what I did-once! After that I just rested and enjoyed the soak. After a long day, the soak freshened my spirit and made me feel good all over, but it didn't do anything for my night sweats. I knew I needed something-but what?

That's when I began looking into aromatherapy. After extensive research and many soaks in which I tested essential oils by adding them to my salts, I finally had a blend of herbs and oils that didn't smell like medicine and yet prevented hot flashes and allowed me to get a good night's sleep. What was this combination? You guessed it! Restoration-Castle Baths' female line.

Once I had experienced how wonderfully well Restoration worked in the bath, I decided I needed something for mid-day. Many days I'd be working away and suddenly feel a hot flash coming on. I would start to peel off layers of clothing, but the problem was that the heat was coming from the inside, not the outside. So I created a spray and lotion that contained the Restoration aromatherapy blend to help alleviate hot flashes, as well as PMS and mood swings.

Getting relief from the symptoms of menopause
can be as simple as 1-2-3!

1. Two days before your period is supposed to arrive, take an hour-long soak in bathwater infused with Restoration. Continue these soaks throughout your menstrual cycle.

2. Rub some Restoration lotion on your neck and chest before you go to bed. If your breasts hurt, rub some on them, too. If you wake up during the night, apply the lotion again.

3. Place a glass of water next to your bed and if you wake up, drink the water. This might just help you more than anything!

Menopause also sucks the moisture out of your skin, aging it and leaving you feeling dry. So in addition to drinking lots of water, give our Fountain of Youth or Nurture Bar a try.

I'm amazed at how healthy a bath can be. It not only cleanses your body and freshens your mood, but it also heals. By adding a few of nature's gifts to a bath, I've found that my body can handle life pretty well without chemicals and man-made medicines. Below is short list of some of vitamins and herbs that can help you deal with menopause naturally. These are the ones my research convinced me were the best ones to use-but be sure to check with your doctor before you use them!

� Soy, as a number of recent studies have shown, can help reduce hot flashes, night sweats, and other menopausal symptoms.

� Flaxseed can not only help minimize symptoms like hot flashes, but also help prevent heavy bleeding and help ease breast tenderness, cramping, and other PMS discomforts.

� Evening Primrose Oil is a good bet to help prevent bloating, water retention, breast tenderness, cramps, and vaginal dryness.

� Black Cohosh is a popular herb for mitigating hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms such as cramps, heavy periods, and other menstrual irregularities.

� Vitamin E and Citrus Bioflavonoids are reportedly hot flash busters.

� B-Vitamins help keep your energy level up, are considered stress fighters, and can help you deal with the emotional mood swings that crop up during premature menopause.

� St. Johns Wort may help you if you find that yourself more easily depressed than usual.
� Kava Kava is another herb that appears to be of great help in fighting depression and reducing the symptoms of anxiety.

� Valerian may help you if you're suffering from insomnia, and since it's also known as an anxiety reliever, it may help alleviate mood swings and tension as well.

Laura Thomas is an author and designer for a better you. More information on PMS and Night Sweats can be found at the Castle Baths Web Site- Her hobbies include breeding and showing Pedigree Persians , writing and sharing inspirational messages.

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